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Farmacia aliberti accepts payments with Bitcoin!

Pubblicato da Davide Strata il o commenti

  • Tags: Crypto
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    As of today, a new payment method is available at the Farmacia Aliberti e-commerce. By adapting to modern cryptocurrency technologies, the Pharmacy now accepts payments in Bitcoin using the revolutionary blockchain technology.

    It is possible to buy medicines (SOP and OTC) that are legal, safe and guaranteed by the Italian Republic and the Italian Ministry of Health using your Bitcoins!

    The value in euro present on the site will be automatically converted into a value in Bitcoin, the current quotation between Euro and Bitcoin is:

    The only requirements to be able to make the payment are: have a bitcoin wallet and some bitcoins available to make the payment.

    Once you have chosen the products to buy on the site you need to accept the terms of service select the box just above the "Pay"button.

    Accept the conditions and Pay!
    Please accept the conditions of sale and pay!

    Once pressed the button, the checkout and payment process will begin.

    If the user has not already created an account, you can create it directly during the checkout. Once this is done you can select your preferred shipping. Remember that over 65€ shipping to Italy is free of charge.

    Once the payment has been made, simply select the Bitcoin payment method as shown in the photo below:.

    Metodo di pagamento Bitcoin
    Select the Coinbase Commerce payment method and press the Complete order button at the bottom of the page

    After selecting the method, simply press the blue button at the bottom of the "Complete order"page..

    The user will then be connected with Coinbase, our payment service provider Bitcoin, the world leader in this type of transaction.

    A page will be displayed with a code and a bitcoin amount that the user will have to pay from his Wallet bitcoin. Once the Coinbase operation has been carried out, it will verify the actual transfer of funds and the payment will be completed.

    Coinbase payment method
    Coinbase Payment Page, the code has been hidden for security reasons but is clearly visible during normal transactions

    It is possible to change the display language of this panel by clicking on the Italian text at the bottom right. The languages available are Deutsh, English, Español, Français, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian, Nederlands and Portugues.

    We hope that this payment method will be appreciated by our customers. Report us any malfunctions on our contact page.

    In the near future, we plan to add payment methods such as Ethereum. Stay in touch with us to learn about future developments.

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